When Paige tries to hire a new professor for the Magic School, one of the candidates, Drake, turns out to be an ex-demon who made a deal with a sorcerer to become human.
Pandora's Box falls into the hands of a shape-shifting demon, who intends to open it and release all of its sorrows into the world, sending the sisters on a search for Hope.
A powerful sorceress casts a spell on Phoebe so their souls switch bodies and Phoebe winds up trapped in the Underworld. Paige is in a quandary when her first charge appears to be lost to the dark side.
The Charmed Ones do not realize that baby Wyatt's new imaginary friend is actually the demon Vicus, who is trying to win Wyatt's trust to convert him to evil.
When a classmate killed in front of Phoebe comes back from the dead to blame her, she becomes guilt-ridden and vulnerable, creating an opportunity for Zankou to steal the Book of Shadows.
The sisters try to divert Zankou's attention from the Nexus, but Zankou steals Phoebe's power of premonition, enabling him to anticipate and prevent their attacks.
A young demon (Mykel Shannon) trying to take over the Underworld attempts to lure the Charmed Ones out of hiding, and when Billie stumbles onto his plot, she becomes one of his victims.
The Charmed Ones help agent Murphy track a demon who escaped from the government's custody and learn that a virus is causing magical beings to run amok.
When the Angel of Death returns seeking Leo, the Charmed Ones try to use a spell to hide Leo, but it misfires and everyone suddenly looks like Leo.
Billie unknowingly contacts a demon posing as a human (Sean McDermott); Piper tries to deal with Leo's absence; Paige is able to connect with Henry (Ivan Sergei).
Phoebe goes on a journey through her past loves to try to revive her excitement for romance; a group of magical teens comes to the manor seeking refuge from demons.